Suspendisse at lorem ipsum
Praesent vel magna
Duis viverra, metus sed ornare
You can choose rounded or square, small, medium or large and also you can choose one of 250 font icons to show with button. Standard button changes it’s color based on color scheme you’re using. Buttons below are just small sample what you can do with them.
Callout box
Ut dapibus mauris
Praesent vel magna a tellus vehicula porta. Maecenas erat neque, vehicula at dapibus quis, volutpat eu orci. Etiam ultricies lectus et dui euismod fermentum. Suspendisse at lorem ipsum, ut egestas ligula. Suspendisse gravida nibh quis nunc bibendum lobortis. Ut dapibus mauris luctus dui molestie rutrum.
Button TextGoogle map
You can choose from 250 font icons and put them wherever you want with the shortcode. You can set up size of the icon and it’s color. Example below shows you just couple selected icons, but it can give you the idea what can be done with them.
Social Icons
Custom post type shortcodes
Below you can see shortcodes that are used with custom post types. On this site you have 5 custom post types: portfolios, slides, services, team members and testimonials. You can use all of them with the shortcode. You can choose one item, one category or all items. You can also put them in different order, in different columns layout etc. Below you can see just the basic usage. Slides are used in the Homepage version 2. I also added here standard ‘Latest from blog’ shortcode.
Portfolio shortcode
Posts shortcode
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Standard post format
Duis faucibus faucibus dui eu porttitor. Pellentesque vitae dui erat, vitae ultricies lacus. Proin eu purus sapien, vitae elementum metus.
Post with gallery
Curabitur tristique egestas nisl id gravida. Suspendisse a porta nunc. Aliquam nulla eros, egestas id placerat a, sagittis vitae magna.
Bick Buck Bunny from Vimeo
Aenean mattis auctor urna at adipiscing. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus id mattis purus. Aliquam accumsan turpis ut lectus sodales eu pretium ante blandit.
Services shortcode
Gunsmith / Firearm Maintenance Services
Basic Cleaning $25.00
Superior Cleaning starting at $50.00
A clean firearm is a reliable firearm. While anyone can run a brush through a barrel and call it cleaning, we will disassemble your firearm for thorough cleaning in our professional cleaning system. All components are detail cleaned, lubricated and inspected before reassembly to ensure it is not only clean but also safe to shoot. Whether you shoot every day, once a month or once a year, our cleaning service will ensure you can depend on your firearm when you need it.- Sight installation $35.00 and up
- Basic Cleaning $25.00
- Superior Cleaning $50.00 and up
We will assist the seller in setting a reasonable price based on a variety of firearm retail databases. Click here for more details.DIRECT BUYS
If you are looking to sell or trade in a firearm, we may be able to assist you. Click here for more details.TRAINING
Just like any other skill, becoming a proficient shooter requires practice. Allow a professional instructor to help you become a better, safer, and more confident shooter. Click for details.Team members shortcode

Russ Knox, Director of Training

Cheyenne Sweatman, Instructor
Testimonials shortcode

Staff is friendly and knowledgeable. If someone does not know the answer to one of my questions, they say, “I don’t know, but I can find out.” Being in sales myself, this is an admirable quality and speaks well for all of you folks.